• Why are Sawed-off Off Shotguns Illegal

    Sawed-off shotguns are prohibited because they pose a severe threat to the public and public safety. A sawed-off gun is one in which the barrel or stock has been cut below a limited length. Other restrictions apply under U.S. federal law. The maximum allowable barrel and total size of firearms that civilians may possess. These restrictions apply to long guns, which are prohibited from being owned and possessed except under certain circumstances. The question that comes to mind now is why such law are enacted.

    A Timeline Of Sawed-Off Shotguns: Legislative History

    Before the second decade of the twentieth century, sawn-off shotguns started being linked to crime and violence. These handguns were favored because of their compact size, and they could be easily concealed and used in various enclosed spaces by criminals. The 1929 St. is another famous example, the Valentine’s Day Massacre, where criminals used sawn-off guns to promote their criminal activities. The National Firearms Act of 1934 was a law that prohibited the purchase of criminal firearms, such as rifles and shotguns. It specified a minimum barrel length of 18 inches and a minimum overall length of 26 inches.

    Sawed-off shotguns were required to be registered and taxed. Later laws, such as the 1968 Firearms Act, expanded these regulations to include long guns.

    As Noted Above, Sawn-Off Guns Are Banned In The United States For The Following Reasons:

    There are several significant reasons why federal laws restrict-sawed-off shotguns in the U.S.

    1. Concealability: The small size of the barrel and cylinder makes the possession of sawed-off shotguns concealed in vehicles, garments, bags, and tiny hideaways quite accessible. This concealability was beneficial to the criminals and dangerous to society as it enabled them to flee the crime scene quickly, thus making it hard for the authorities to apprehend them.
    2. Spread of Shot: Less length of a barrel of a sawed-off shotgun results in wider dispersion of the shot each time it is fired. It is done to make it harder to aim the weapon and make it possible to hit more targets at close range. The conditions these attributes provided were favorable to criminals and threatened public safety.
    3. Difficulty to Identify: This stubby size also makes sawed-off shotguns hard to distinguish during crimes and hinders investigation.
    4. High Damage: Sawed-off shotguns used at close range deal lethal blows with one shot rather than other firearms due to wider dispersal of shots. It made them suitable instruments for use in crimes such as armed robbery, assault, as well as murder.
    5. Crime Association: The Mobsters and other notorious criminals using sawed-off shotguns to persecute their adversaries. During the robbery also contributed to the public perception of this weapon type as extremely lethal and deserving of stringent regulation.

    Constricting the rules on shotguns and their transfer to prohibitively limit their possession to magazine lengths that are less concealable and lethal. Lawmakers intended to deter the use of sawed-off shotguns in criminal activities.

    Counterarguments Against the Ban

    While there were strong reasons to restrict sawed-off shotguns, some counterarguments question the effectiveness of outright bans. While there were strong reasons to limit sawed-off shotguns, some counterarguments question the effectiveness of outright bans.

    They Don’t Reduce Gun Crime Rates: Some of the laws enacted include restrictions on sawed-off shotguns. Which, to date, has not been proven that these laws helped reduce crimes committed using guns. It may switch to other guns that are likely to have the same dangerous impacts as those already banned.

    They Don’t Prevent Illegal Conversions: Criminals can saw off the barrels of a shotgun against the prohibition for such actions to be done by anyone. Perhaps bans may be primarily targeted at ordinary law-abiding citizens rather than potential misusers of such items.

    Crime Usage Rates Are Low: FBI Uniform Crime Report data show that for all reported gun crimes, less than 3% involve any shotgun, legal or unlawful. Thus, there are likely to be few impacts in preventing crime by restricting rarely used weapons.

    Self-Defense Uses Exist: Few legal cases allowed using short-barreled shotguns for self-defense in specific conditions, such as in automobiles and small stores. Absolute prohibitions preclude such legitimate uses of firearms for self-defense.

    Enforcement Is Difficult: It is easy to see that enforcement limits on length present difficulties in the United States, where large firearms stocks are circulated. Assets that are used for policing shortened shotguns may not yield high profits.

    Nevertheless, the arguments presented by attorneys of sawed-off shotguns’ strict regulation stemmed from reasonable and compelling initial public safety concerns in the early twentieth century. The subsequent cultural perception of them as weapons of crime has continued to keep stringent measures on using the devices.


    In conclusion, federal laws made shortened “sawed-off” shotguns unlawful for civilians to own mainly because they are highly concealable, cause much damage and were involved in criminal, violent actions in the past. These public safety concerns were the rationale for the maximum legal requirements that governed the allowable barrel length and the overall gun length. However, some analysis suggests that outright bans of firearms might have only a slight deterrent effect on gun crime and deny legitimate lawful use.

    Inequalities, especially cultural perception and enforcement problems, also maintain the status quo restrictions. But the causes for their current legal status as prohibited emerged from admirable intentions to minimize the evil that the concealed danger of a weapon. Admittedly dangerous  represented during a period of high violence in U.S. history. The debate over the restriction of their use is as follows. The rationale of limiting their access due to criminal activities is balanced by the question of restricting the access of their ownership in today’s gun control policies.